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The scientific mission will end the 9th of december.

After more than 6.5 years, DEMETER will be stopped.
The mission center will stay active one year more, so you can continue to access the data. After this period, all the data will be transfered in the CDPP (Centre de données de la Physique des Plasmas).

[ 2011/06/20 ] The data server is now ready. We had a big crash on the main computer of the mission center; it is fixed now.
We apologize for the long (more than 1.5 week) period where data were unavailable.

[ 2010/11/28 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 28th of november at 11:41 (UT). The scientific mission will restart the 2th of december at 08:17 (UT)

[ 2010/11/22 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 22th of november at 22:39 (UT). The scientific mission will restart the 26th of november at 08:34 (UT)

[ 2010/10/24 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 24th of October at 17:49 (UT). The scientific mission will restart the 28th of October at 08:45 (UT)

[ 2010/09/26 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 26th of September at 02:11 (UT). The scientific mission will restart the 30th of September at 08:36 (UT)

[ 2010/06/28 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 28th of June at 13:55 (UT). The scientific mission will restart the 2nd of July at 08:25 (UT)

[ 2009/10/12 ] DEMETER has done a manoeuvre to change the inclination of its orbit plan.
The scientific instruments were off from 2009/10/12 08:32 to 2009/10/14 08:54.

[ 2009/09/07 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 07th of September at 13:01 (UT). The scientific mission has restarted the 16th of September at 08h44 (UT)

[ 2009/06/09 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 9th of June at 17:48:00. The resumption of the scientific mission is scheduled on the 19th of June.

[ 2009/03/31 ] All the instruments will be off from the 6th April 2009 8h00 UT to the 8th April 2009 8h00 UT. A new version (2.6.3) of the onboard software will be uploaded. The changes have no impact on the data.
[ 2008/11/22 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 22th of November at 20:52:00.

[ 2008/11/16 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 16th of November at 03:30:44.

[ 2008/10/17 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 17th of October PM.

[ 2008/06/24 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 24th of June at 01h00. The restart of the scientific mission is plan on the 1st of July.

[ 2008/06/03 ] The scientific mission have been interrupt during 2 days (3 and 4 June) to change the mean altitude of DEMETER (1.8 km below the previous one).
[ 2008/02/07 ]
Due to the usage of non-standart sweep tables for the ISL instrument, some Level 1 files have not been produced and the ISL frames on the Quick-Looks are wrong. It concerns half-orbits :
from 17890.0 to 17890.1,
from 18918.0 to 18921.1,
from 19021.0 to 19024.1 .

[ 2008/02/02 ] DEMETER and all the instruments work nominaly since 02/02/2008 at 08h17

[ 2008/01/29 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 29th of January between 00h00 and 04h00.

[ 2007/10/03 ] Some softwares have been updated. You can download them in the Tools/Software topic.
  • SWAN 2.43 : The bug concerning the Zoom function has been corrected.
  • : The reprocessing module have been updated to take into account the new transfert functions.

[ 2007/07/10 ]
All the level 1 data files for apid 1129, 1130, 1133 and 1135 have been reprocessed to take into accound the corrected transfert functions.
All the level 1 files stored into the mission center is now correct.

[ 2007/06/11 ]
Improvements of the ICE transfert functions have been done. The reprocessing of all the waveforms level 1 data files, taking into account the new gains functions and the correction of the phases, is restarted today. See the tables below to check if the errors are corrected or not.

2.1 or 2.22.0

You will be informed here when the computation is finished.

[ 2007/05/30 ]
The correction of the level 1 data phases is delayed due to improvement of the transfert functions for ICE.

[ 2007/05/29 ]
Anomalies have been discovered on electric and magnetic waveforms in level 1 data files.
  1. The sign of the magnetic components are wrong. This concerns:
    • IMSC ELF Wave burst,
    • IMSC VLF Wave burst.
  2. The signs of the electic component E13 is wrong. This concerns:
    • ICE ELF Wave burst,
    • ICE VLF Wave burst,
    • ICE HF Wave burst.
  3. The second and the third channels of multi-components waveforms have been acquired at time t + dt and t + 3dt,
    where t is the time of the first sample of the first component, dt = 1/(4fe) and fe is the sampling frequency. This concerns:
    • IMSC ELF Wave burst,
    • ICE ULF Wave burst and survey,
    • ICE ELF Wave burst.
We have just started to correct all those errors in the mission center. The computation will take about one month. During this time, check the version number of the software that creates the level 1 file (fields 8 and 9 of block 1) or the version number of the calibration data which have been used (fields 10 and 11 of bloc 1).

[ 2006/12/13 ]

The demeter data times have been corrected.

Previously, Demeter Time = UTC + 1s
Now, Demeter Time = UTC
This concerns products:
  • Level 0 data
  • Level 1 data
  • Attitude files
  • Magnetometer data
  • Solar pannels position

How to distinguish data with right or wrong time?

  • Level 0 data: bit 7 of byte 1 of Bant status
    • = 0 : Time = UTC + 1s
    • = 1 : Time = UTC
  • Level 1 data: version number (fields 8 and 9 of blocs 1)
    • < 3.0 : Time = UTC + 1s
    • >= 3.0 : Time = UTC
  • Attitude files: No way to distinguish
  • Magnetometer data: No way to distinguish
  • Solar pannels position: No way to distinguish

What about file names?

The contents of the files have been changed, but the file names have been preserved.

[ 2006/10/17 ] DEMETER and all the instruments work nominaly since 17th of October at 08h36

[ 2006/10/09 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 09th of October at 05h10.

[ 2006/08/28 ] All the quick-looks in the database have been corrected regarding the frame of the earthquakes.

[ 2006/06/27 ] The plot "ISL floating potential (Vf)" was wrong. In fact, it contained plasma potential data. The label is now corrected and a new plot have been created to represent the real floating potential data.

[ 2006/05/10 ]

Earthquake data base ERROR recently discovered

We recently discovered a major error in the files we receive from IPGP (all longitudes of EQ between 180° and 360° are wrong).
The problem is under investigation. Please contact if you need help.
(the correction for the earthquakes which are concerned is Good value= 540 - wrong value).

The statistical results which have been already presented in workshop and meeting are not concerned because they use a different data base.

Please, see reprocessing news to know about fixed QLs.

[ 2006/03/29 ] We had network problems on Monday 27/03 and Tuesday 28/03/2006.
Now, it's all ok.

[ 2005/03/01 ] International Symposium Déméter - 14-16 June 2006, Toulouse
Call for Papers – deadline 27 January 2006 -
Please consult the symposium website at

[ 2005/10/21 ] All the instruments have been switched on since 20/10/2005 (end of the COA continue period).
[ 2005/10/15 ] The Demeter Time (Tdmt) is shifted of 1s ! This is due to a bug in the onboard software.
  • For Level 1 data files: Tdmt = UTC + 1s
  • For ATTITUDE: Tatt = UTC + 1s
Even if the attitude data have been computed with shifted positions, the error on the yaw angle is less than 0.05 degree.
In level 1 data files: data in Block1 and block3 correspond to the same time ( UTC + 1s ), but Block2 is at UTC.

[ 2005/10/10 ] DEMETER satellite has been stoppped regarding data acquisition. It has been in operation ("COA continue") from 27/09/2005 to 19/10/2005.
[ 2005/10/07 ] A new package of modules for SWAN "" is available in Tools/Software to take into account the good matrix to change ICE data from the sensor coordinate system to the satellite one. It also corrects some bugs. Please read the file "install.txt" after unpacking the zip file for more details.
[ 2005/09/22 ] In Level 1 data, an error have been discovered in the matrix to change ICE waveforms from the sensor coordinate system to the satellite one. This concerns "ICE ULF Wave burst and survey" (apid 1129) and "ICE ELF Wave burst" (apid 1130) for half-orbits before 6473 Up . All data have been corrected. The correct level 1 data file can be identified with their version numbers (field 8 and 9 of blocks 1). The good version number is 1.1.

[ 2005/09/19 ] Some Quick-Looks have been reprocesed due to empty seismic frames. The archive files "DMT_QL_2005_05.tar.gz", "DMT_QL_2005_06.tar.gz", "DMT_QL_2005_07.tar.gz" and "DMT_QL_2005_08.tar.gz" on the LPCE anonymous ftp server have been updated. The reprocessed Quick-Looks have 19/09/2005 as system date.
[ 2005/09/13 ] Modules (or projects) for importing waveform demeter data files into SWAN, can be downloaded separately from SWAN sources.
A new module have been added to select and read a part of a level 1 waveform data files.

[ 2005/08/23 ] A link about PRASSADCO software has been added to Software part (Tools/Software)
[ 2005/07/12 ] Quick-Looks are now available on the LPCE anonymous ftp server. The adress is There is a subdirectory per month named "YYYY_MM". It contains all the individual Quick-Looks of this month and an archive file named "DMT_QL_YYYY_MM.tar.gz". Only reprocessed Quick-Looks are stored.
[ 2005/07/05 ] A new menu item has been created : reprocessing news (News / Reprocessing news).
News menu item will only contains general news.

[ 2005/06/14 ] All 2-4 May DEMETER workshop documentation is available : "Workshop" left menu item
[ 2005/05/26 ] A test will be done onboard Demeter on June 1 (backup June 8) to investigate on the 1s time anomaly. Information about UTC jumps (+1s and -1s) will be given in the DATA_RELATED_EVENTS file.
[ 2005/05/26 ] Documentation added and updated ( Tools / Documentation )
[ 2005/05/26 ] Summary files feature updated : public users can download Summary files, logged users can update and generate Summary files ( explainations on Summary files web page : Data & Products / Auxiliary data / Summary files )
[ 2005/05/13 ] New web server feature : Guest Investigators can now download Magnetometer and solar panel data
[ 2005/05/09 ] RNF is activated on board since half-orbit 4521.0
[ 2005/04/25 ] Beginning of reprocessing.
[ 2005/04/18 ] DEMETER went in a safe mode the 17th of April at 18h35.
[ 2005/02/25 ] Problems with Demeter data regarding some half-orbits from 3152.1 to 3206.0 are resolved. You can access to these data files.
[ 2005/02/08 ] The Demeter workshop for Guest Ivestigators will occur from the 2nd to 4th of May 2005 at Paris.
[ 2005/02/08 ] We have some problems with Demeter data regarding some half-orbits from 3152.1 to 3206.0.
You will be informed when they will be ok online.